Octopress Posted on Feb 22nd, 2012

Update It's been quite a while since my last blog post, due to work and various university side projects. Over the next few posts I'll be trying to give a more detailed view of what I've actually been up to. In the mean time, I'll discuss my new website woodiwiss.me. To kickstart my blogging brain back into gear, I have decided to re-vamp said website. One of the biggest changes, is switching my blog platform over to Octopress. Opposed to the old one which was using the ever popular WordPress. My main reasoning for this was that I wanted a lighter and easier way to manage my blog, while keeping full control over my site. So far Octopress has ticked all the boxes for me. I just need to find the time to re-theme it! I'll try to explain some of the epicness of octopress below.


Switching to Octopress has yielded many personal benefits. Here are a few of the cool features I've enjoyed so far:

$ rake generate
$ rake deploy
<then enter password>  

Then my live site is updated and good to go. There are many other awesome features to Octopress that I haven't covered, but if you've read this far it may be worth checking out.